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Tampa Lawyer for Gun Charges

Unless the law indicates otherwise, you are allowed to own or, under certain situations, use a weapon. However, to legally possess a firearm in Florida there are some laws that you need to obey. If you were accused of violating a weapons law, you should speak to a...

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Pinellas County Gun Laws: St. Petersburg Defense Lawyers

To respect people’s right to protect themselves, Florida does not prohibit the use of certain weapons. As a result, if you meet certain requirements, you are allowed to possess a gun. But, since these are self-defense tools there are some regulations by which you need...

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Firearm & Weapons Lawyer: Sarasota & Manatee County, FL

Florida honors people’s constitutional rights to bear arms to protect themselves, their families and their property. But even though most people are allowed to possess a gun, there are some regulations by which you must abide. Ignoring these gun laws in Sarasota...

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Indecent Exposure Charges in Florida

Compared to other sex crimes, a charge of indecent exposure in Florida might not seem very serious. Nevertheless, if the prosecution finds enough evidence to convict you, your charges can result in a permanent criminal record, incarceration, and fines.  In some...

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Murder & Manslaughter in Florida: Definitions & Penalties

In Florida, murder and manslaughter offenses are two serious forms of homicide that can result in severe penalties upon conviction. Given the seriousness of these offenses and their potential consequences, if you have been charged with homicide in Florida, you should...

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Illegal Possession of Firearms Florida

Illegal Possession of Firearms Florida

Florida gun laws impose relatively few restrictions on the possession of firearms. Unless a person lost his or her ownership rights, people are legally allowed to buy or own a firearm. However, there are certain guns that are illegal in Florida.  If you are found...

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Concealed Carry Laws in Florida: Laws & Penalties

Concealed Carry Laws in Florida: Laws & Penalties

While in most cases it is lawful to own and possess a firearm, the concealed carry laws in Florida address the different rules for carrying a gun in the Sunshine State. These laws establish that, even though people have the right to own a gun, they need a permit to...

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Florida Violation of Probation

When found guilty of certain crimes, offenders might be sentenced to probation. Although many times this prevents them from imprisonment, people still need to comply with strict conditions and requirements. If you do not follow these terms, you might be charged with a...

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Lewd & Lascivious Florida Laws

Florida law criminalizes sexual activity with minors under 16 years of age. Even if there was consent, engaging or enticing a minor to have intimate relations is considered a lewd and lascivious offense. Since this type of accusation can lead to a felony charge, you...

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Assault and Battery in Florida

When an argument or dispute spirals out of control and results in violence or threats, one or both parties involved might be arrested for assault and battery. Given their violent nature, a conviction for assault and battery in Florida leads to a permanent criminal...

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