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Florida recently passed House Bill 549, which brings new changes to theft laws and stricter penalties on theft-related offenses. It is essential to stay up to date on these changes, especially if you are facing theft charges of your own because the new rules will affect how the court views...
When you face charges for a community control (i.e., house arrest) or felony probation violation, your probation officer or any other law enforcement officer can arrest you without a warrant on the spot, as per Florida Statute § 948.06(1)(a). He can also instead ask the court to set a court date...
In drug cases, judges usually sentence a convicted felon to certain punishments based on the Florida’s Criminal Punishment Code. Penalties are contingent upon the severity of the crime, which schedule the drug belongs to, the amount in question, the defendant’s criminal history, and the presence of any aggravating factors. The...
A new report from Harvard University’s Fair Punishment Project lists Pinellas and Hillsborough counties among the top 16 in the U.S. in death penalty sentences. Two other Florida counties, Miami-Dade and Duval, also made the list. The report tracked criminal convictions from 2010 to 2015. During that time span, each of...
While police generally must have probable cause to pull you over, DUI checkpoints are the exception. Police have the right to stop motorists so they can identify drunk drivers. However, motorists have rights too. Below we review some of the details surrounding the Florida DUI checkpoint law and how you...
When an officer arrests you for DUI, you will actually have two separate and distinct cases pending against you: an administrative case and a criminal case. Each one can result in a driver’s license suspension. Below are some of the basics you should know about a DUI driver’s license suspension...
The use of fake IDs among underage Floridians is more common than you might think. But even though this may not seem a dangerous action, Florida fake ID laws are harsh and can carry severe penalties for this offense. In the first two months of Fall 2021, the FSU Police Department made...
While it may seem that you are not breaking the law when following or harassing a person, stalking is a criminal offense in Florida. And as such, this activity can have severe consequences. Given that this term may be overused, you may wonder what constitutes stalking in Florida. According to Florida...
Overall, federal crimes in Florida are more complex and challenging than state charges. For instance, offenders found guilty of a federal charge must undergo a presentence investigation in Florida (PSI). This process is a required step that must be completed before sentencing. The presentence investigation is a standard procedure in federal cases. However, many people are...
If you are found guilty of a crime, the judge may decide to convict you or withhold the adjudication of guilt. These legal terms can be very confusing for people that are not familiar with the law. As a result, people often want to know what adjudication withheld is in Florida. In...