
Is gun trafficking a federal crime?

Gun trafficking laws are a topic of ongoing debate amongst legislators, lobbyists, and the public. Some believe our nation’s gun laws are too sparse or lenient, while others vouch for the opposite. Currently, gun trafficking is not a federal crime; however, federal...

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How does probation work in Florida?

Probation is a common alternative punishment to imprisonment. In March 2017, there were over 136,000 people serving probation time in Florida, according to the Florida Department of Corrections (DOC). Probation works by allowing defendants to retain many of their...

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What is Florida DUI school like?

All defendants convicted of a DUI in Florida must complete a DUI course from a provider approved by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV). The court will order you to take one of two DUI school programs: Level I for first-time offenders...

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